Sunday, April 3, 2011

New student visits

It is always exciting when a new student visits. We know that someone new will be coming to be a great Weka learner soon. It is nice to get to know that person before they come to school.

Our new learner is here with her mum and little brother.

Welcome to WEKA and to Ladbrooks School too, of course!

PMP for Tui and Weka children

We have had such an amazing term of PMP! Every morning between 9am and 9.35am, Weka and Tui children were hard at work, developing their balance, coordination, fitness, locomotion and eye tracking skills.

We could not have done it without the amazing support of our wonderful parents - they really helped us get the most from each station. Thank you, families!

Mrs Postles noticed us getting better every day in our assessments!

We are looking forward to getting a PMP set of our own so we can enjoy PMP all year round. It has been great for our learning.

Lots of people like the 'Dizzy Giddy'. You have to use your body weight carefully to make it swing around. It's fun!

One special thing we did a lot in PMP this term was memory games. We would be told a sequence of patterns or shapes or colours or numbers and we would have to remember them, say them and then JUMP on them. It was hard, but we were good.

These children are ready for eye tracking. We have to use our eyes to follow a ball that swings slowly from the ceiling. This activity can help us with our reading and writing, too.

This is part of a fitness activity. We had to run into a swinging skipping rope and start jumping. It was scary, but we all did it! Amazing!

PMP more pics...

We go on the obstacle course to develop our coordination and confidence. We have to use our thinking skills here, too.

We practice rolling a ball into boxes. We work on our correct technique and have to get the direction right, too.

We improve our balance and learn about left and right, forwards and backwards as we play on the individual rockers. It's hard - they are really wobbly!

Going down ladders on the obstacle course is a challenge for us. But we can do it - because we are WILLING to learn...

Writing using adjectives...

We have been learning to use adjectives in our writing. These are special describing words which add detail to our writing. Using adjectives makes our writing exciting.

We ate some bread straight from the oven and used our five senses (our hands to feel, our nose to smell our eyes to look, our mouth to taste and our ears to hear/listen) as we ate the bread and thought of lots of words we could use to describe the experience.

Here are some photos of us eating the bread. We will put up our stories as well so that you can see how amazing we are at using ADJECTIVES!

Writing using adjectives...

Check us out eating the DELICIOUS, HOT bread!