Read below to find out what we have been up to.
We are all 5 and 6 years old and go to Ladbrooks School. Our teacher is Keryn Wilson. We love to learn and we love to have fun. We are looking forward to sharing our learning adventures with you. Thank you for visiting our blog. Feel free to comment.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Learning about halves
We have been learning about halves. We have cut paper in half in different ways, created a paper man by folding a piece of paper in half and cutting out a shape, designed painted butterflies with each half having the same colours, and discovered how to half-fill a glass with water!
Chilly Dip
Our school's 'Ladbrooks Leaders' decided (in their supreme wisdom) to have a mid-winter dip into the school swimming pool.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Chinese chopsticks
Veronica Martin came into Weka last week and showed us some photos from her time in China. She showed us photos of some very unusual foods that people eat there sometimes, like seahorses, frogs and insects.
New culvert under construction
The awesome team from Burnside Contractors have started work on our culvert. Once it is completed and the fences have been changed, we will have a lovely new play space. We went to investigate how the big yellow digger moved the concrete pieces into position. It was interesting.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Learning Talk...
Why is the dragon symbol important to the Chinese people?
Sam: It’s good luck.
Brooke: Dragon festivals!
Ella: The farmers thought if they danced with a dragon, the rain would fall on their plants.
Hanna: So it would make them grow!
Sam: They could be food plants so they could have food.
So we knew that the reason Chinese people consider the dragon lucky was from ancient times when it was connected to a successful harvest.
We wondered...
What did the farmers believe would happen if they didn’t do the dragon dance?
Hanna: No food maybe because it wouldn’t rain on the plants.
Brooke: It wouldn’t rain.
Sam: If they had no food they would be hungry ‘cos they would have nothing to eat.
Tom: The plants wouldn’t grow because their paddocks would be all dry.
We also talked about the fact that the dragon symbol now meant good luck generally, not just in farming communities. We remembered that during celebrations and festivals, the dragon symbol is used, too.
We started to think about the masks we want to create...
What are the key features of a dragon mask? What makes them all the same?
Jonty: Bright colours.
Joe: Big eyes.
Sophie: They all had horns.
Hanna: Spikes or fluff or fur.
Jasmine: Teeth!
Tom: They mostly had smiles.
Sam: They were scary.
We all went away and planned a mask making sure we had used all these things.
We had a terrific talk! It was great that Mrs Wilson had her computer out and that she is a fast typer to get our ideas recorded!
Go us!
Stay tuned for more updates on our dragon masks...
We really are super at handwriting...
In handwriting (or printing), we learn how to write our letters in the correct way. This helps us to write words and sentences quickly and easily as we grow.
As always, news time has some surprises.
You won't believe it!
Yes - it's amazing! In Weka we have another awesome learner that has joined our team.
Watch out for dragons!
Be afraid...
Thursday, June 2, 2011
You should see us go...
News - Week 5
News - Week 5
News days are ALWAYS exciting in Weka!
- using a clear speaking voice
- speaking slowly
- speaking in sentences