Monday, August 29, 2011

Nimbus likes books about budgies...

...and he really likes the story 'Pete Little', especially when it is read so beautifully by this young reader.

Nimbus cuddled up on his shoulder and was not keen to go back in his house later! He was just so happy listening to the story!

Good effort, team!

A visit to Olympia Gymnastics...

We went on a trip!
First, we travelled in cars to the Gym. Then we listened to the instructors.
We got into four groups and rotated around four activities - trampoline, rolls (forwards and backwards and cartwheels), hoops and beams.
Boy - it was really fun and we did SO well. (That was because the children really listened to the instructions, tried their best and were sensible every minute - wow!)
We are going to practice the gym skills as part of our PMP programme and then go to the Gym again near the end of the term. We will be able to see how much we have improved.
Thank you to the lovely parents who supported us by taking their car and by watching us and keeping us safe at the Gym.

We will miss our friends terribly...

We had to say goodbye to some precious Weka friends who went to continue their awesome learning journey in Tui class with Mrs Postles.

We know they will have a terrific time in there. Mrs Postles and the Tuis are so lucky to be getting fantastic, kind and hard working learners who always try hard to be READY, WILLING and ABLE to LEARN TOGETHER.

We will miss them a lot, though. Come and visit us lots, please!

...and then there was snow - and no school!

So... I couldn't come to school. I did miss the dear Weka learners, although I'm sure they were having a great time at their homes.
I had to stay at my house with my dog, Stella. She loved to get out and roll in the snow. BLISS!

Garden Planting...

We had some wonderful parents help us plant out our Weka garden. They look terrific! The children did a great job putting in lots of plants and generally helping out. Well done, team!

Baby Floyd...

Floyd came for a visit one news day. He belongs to Clare's family. He was very friendly and good during his visit. Everyone loved feeling his soft coat and floppy ears. He can come and visit anytime! Yay Floyd!

Teddy Bears go out to play...

Well, these photos were taken an awfully long time ago. The teddies went out in the sun and hid in some trees! It was a lovely and fun time, although I can't quite remember what prompted it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Friends...

We are lucky to have two new friends in Weka. These students are fitting in brilliantly and know just what to do each day. They are great learners and always try their very best with everything at school. We just love having them in Weka!

Welcome to our class!